“Israel” likely intentionally killed 14 'Israeli' civilians on October 7: UN report


Published: 2024-06-13 12:13

Last Updated: 2024-07-14 15:56

Israeli Occupation likely intentionally killed 14 civilians on October 7: UN report (Photo: Flash90)
Israeli Occupation likely intentionally killed 14 civilians on October 7: UN report (Photo: Flash90)

A recent UN report revealed that at least 14 “Israelis” were likely intentionally killed by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on October 7 under a controversial protocol aimed at preventing capture.

The UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry (COI) documented the repeated use of the “Hannibal Directive” on that day as Israel confronted Hamas resistance fighters.

Also Read: Will Israeli Occupation risk reviving “Hannibal Directive?”

The Hannibal Directive, when active, instructs the IOF to use any means necessary to prevent the capture of “Israeli” soldiers, even if it involves killing them. Although this directive was officially revoked in 2016, recent actions and rhetoric suggest it may have been re-activated, according to several Hebrew media reports.

The COI confirmed a specific incident where an IOF tank crew admitted to carrying out the directive.

"Confirming that the crew had applied the Hannibal Directive by shooting at a vehicle which they suspected was transporting abducted [IOF] soldiers," the report stated.

Furthermore, the COI verified information indicating that the directive's application in at least two other cases resulted in the deaths of up to 14 “Israelis”.

"One woman was killed by [IOF] helicopter fire while being abducted from Nir Oz to Gaza by Hamas fighters]," stated the report.

"In another case, the Commission found that Israeli tank fire killed some or all of the 13 civilian hostages held in a house in Beeri.”

Also Read: 'Our greatest fear was Israeli planes,' says 'Israeli' ex-captive

The New York Times (NYT) reported in December a house attack in Kibbutz Beeri, describing the deaths of several “Israeli” captives during crossfire with the IOF as part of "a delayed and chaotic military response." Witnesses recounted the IOF launching a rocket-propelled grenade at an “Israeli” house.

Barak Hiram, the “Israeli” general responsible for recapturing the kibbutz from Hamas fighters, recalled ordering his men to "break-in, even at the cost of civilian casualties." Despite facing criticism for his handling of the October 7 operation, Hiram was cleared of wrongdoing by an IOF investigation in April.